Teacher Anabelle の帰国、新しい担当について

約5年半に渡り毎日英会話でレッスンをしてくれたTeacher Anabelle ですが9月に帰国することになりました。非常に残念ですが彼女の決断、これからのフィリピンでの人生を応援したいと思います。




Once again, I’m bidding my farewell. Truly, it is so hard and saddening that I had to reconsider my decision countless times.

Teaching has become my passion, and everyone I’ve met has come really close to my heart. I’m forever grateful for the kindness and help you have shown me. Thank you for listening to my lame dramas sometimes and encouraging me. I appreciate you all.
Thank you for allowing me to be your/your kids’ teacher. I’ve watched many of you learn, grow, and change from day to day. You’ve studied so hard and tried to keep your motivation up. I’m so proud of you! Whenever someone tells me, “Teacher, I passed my test!” “I got promoted.” “I was able to go abroad fearlessly for a business trip, holiday trip, or so on,” or even “I’ve talked with a foreigner confidently.”— my heart flatters. I love to see you all succeed and enjoy wonderful experiences in your English journey. Thank you for showing me the essence of teaching.
I hope that all the things we’ve learned helped you in some little way.

Working with you all, students and colleagues, is such a highlight. We had so much fun and shared many special memories. I will surely treasure each and every moment and will miss you all.
Dream big and best of luck!

Teacher Anabelle


また新しい担当 Teacher Jean が来日予定です。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。

Hello, everyone! I am teacher Jean, and I bring 12 years of experience teaching English, with the last 2 years spent as a university instructor. I have a deep passion for sharing knowledge and am excited to join you on your English learning journey. Together, let’s delve into and master the world of English.



8月31日(土)17:00より ホテルレンブラント東京町田7Fにて 5,500円


ビアガーデン|レンブラントホテル東京町田【公式】 (rembrandt-group.com)




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