Lesson 78

Times of the Day in English (part III)

We are now on the last part of our lesson about telling times of the day!

Early Evening
Early evening is the time around 5:00 pm to about 7:00 pm


We landed at Port Doman in the early evening.
By early evening, he’s ready to start working.
Lunchtime or early evening are preferable.
It was early evening when Edward got home.

Evening starts from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm


There will be an online meeting this evening.
Please enjoy the party this evening.
Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it.
She’s going to her sister’s apartment in the evening.

Late Evening
It is around 8:00 pm to about 10:00 pm


Late evening is also the best time to feed a pet.
The offices and shops are closed by late evening.
Mr. John has to work until late evening.
We arrived late evening at the hotel and were greeted on arrival with a fruit drink.


It’s around 10:00 pm until sunrise.


What’s done by night, appears by day.
The day has eyes, the night has ears.
Lack of knowledge is darker than night.
Last night, they stayed at home and watched TV.

Midnight is the time between 12:00 am to 3:00 am.


We used to go for a midnight walk during the midsummer.
It won’t go on beyond midnight.
We finally got home at midnight.
Please don’t go outside during midnight.

Follow me!



Lesson 77


Lesson 79